When you find one that you personally click with, it makes the whole process SO much easier.
On the search, they need to be your eyes and ears, to intuit exactly what you're looking for, to know 'this will work, that won't'. And when you're selling, they need the strategic skill of pricing your place at just the right amount so that, hopefully, the market will take the selling price even higher. Let's just say bidding wars are a seller's best friend.
I found my real estate kindred spirit. His name is David. He was a Goliath, Mr. Giant Help in my new apartment adventure. I felt the whole time we were in this together, he wasn't just a hired gun.
When he said, "you've GOT to see this apartment" I knew I better get myself over to see it. And he was right. I saw a few more places after that but the first one was IT. He nailed it on the first try.
He was also key in helping me sell my old place. There were several open houses where upwards of 50 to 60 parties were viewing the apartment. I had multiple offers but David was great at being able to discern who was a good buying prospect and who wasn't. This is extremely important. You don't want to accept an offer and get way down the road in the process only to find out the buyer isn't qualified financially...or worse, someone that the co-op board would turn down. Starting all over again is out of the question. His '6th sense' was dead on. He would always say "I'm getting a bad feeling about this offer", or "this realtor is giving me weird vibes", and we would move on.
Even now, when the whole thing is over he still texts...separation anxiety!
He's dying to see how whole the renovation turns out. One day soon (this summer?) I'll have him over for a viewing and we'll be toasting over a glass of champagne before we know it.
If you're looking for an excellent realtor in Manhattan, email me. I'd be happy to give you David's contact info.
He's dying to see how whole the renovation turns out. One day soon (this summer?) I'll have him over for a viewing and we'll be toasting over a glass of champagne before we know it.
If you're looking for an excellent realtor in Manhattan, email me. I'd be happy to give you David's contact info.