Monday, November 27, 2023

How low can you go?

I got the first offer yet for the house in Sag Harbor over the weekend. It was low. VERY low. I currently have the place priced at $2.399M, lowered from the initial price of $2.795M at the outset. That's $400K lower.
A couple from the city has come to see the house THREE TIMES. The first time was at an open house. They stayed for 40 minutes. They then went to see the house for sale next door, Sue's house, and stayed for maybe 5 minutes. No surprise, it's an ugly house, a split ranch that has no 'Sag Harbor charm'. "Can we go back and look at the other house?" they said. So back they went for an additional 20 minutes to wander around. A week and a half later they made another appointment to see it on Black Friday. Again, they wandered about for quite a while. Lillian, my broker, said "I'm positive we will get a bid, a fair one". So the next morning we get the bid: just $2M. And here's the kicker, the wife is a broker working on her own behalf. I have to pay her two and half percent of the commission as well! So add ANOTHER $50K to the price. Not good. I thought about it all day and discussed with Scott. I decided not to counter. I wasn't going to honor such a comically low bid. FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS LESS? No way. Not gonna happen. If they really like the house then they can put a real offer on the table for me to react to. I heard back that they were "disappointed there wasn't a counter". Whatever. Come back when you really want to negotiate. I've put it out of my mind after I finish this post. I'm gonna assume it's over. Finis. Bye, Felicia.

Monday, November 6, 2023


There was an annoying tree stump in the backyard that was really upsetting my view of the backyard. It wasn't a large stump but I consider them so white trashy looking. It had to go. So I brought my table saw from Sag Harbor last week to get the job done. You make sever cuts into the top of the stump and more perpendicular to those. This makes it easier to cut it down in layers with the reciprocating saw. It's not as easy as you'd think. Holding both saws is hard on the arms. It took several layers of cutting to get it down to (almost) ground level. But it was worth it. It now blends into the rock that it was near and will continue to detiriorate with age. Here are two BEFORE & AFTER shots of it.