Sunday, November 4, 2018

The new neighbors?

I had been out on the island for over two weeks. When I arrived at the apartment the other evening I saw a bag of Halloween candy with my name on it sitting on the hallway table.

I figured someone had left it at my door and the cleaning lady had brought it inside, because no one would have actually come inside my apartment to leave it, right? (yes, I leave my door unlocked...with TWO doormen on always on duty 24/7 what's the point?)
Anyway the note said, "Enjoy! Patti & Ellie (5G)"

So my first thought was, "How nice, I've got some new neighbors and they left me a gift." A couple? I figured the apartment had finally sold and this was a nice gesture. I asked one of the doormen if, indeed, the place had sold. He had no idea. He said the previous owner, Mr. Stevens, the older gentlemen who had passed away, had his nephew come by a few times to take some personal belongings from the apartment but he hadn't heard about any sale. I also asked on of the porters. Again, he knew nothing. I even texted my realtor friend to see if he could look up a possible sale on the place, he has access to places online that has up-to-date info on current apartment sales in Manhattan. He texted back and said he found nothing and that he didn't think it has sold as there was just an open house a few days ago. Then  it hit me: the note was from the two realtors I've been chatting up since the apartment went up for sale. They've been really friendly and I take to them everytime I see they're having a showing. Case solved! And I thought I was getting a nice lesbian couple for my next door neighbors, LOL.

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