Saturday, November 11, 2017

Venus or bust

I was walking to the grocery store late yesterday afternoon when I spotted a group of dining room chairs right there on the curb of 57th Street. Someone was obviously throwing them out. They weren't that attractive, a blonde wood Bob's Furniture kind of take on Windsor chairs, not for me. But sitting right on top of one was the amazing looking bust. I walked up to take a quick glance and it looked to be in good condition. It was so cold out I wanted to get to the store right away--I was only wearing a sweatshirt and it must've been around 30 degrees--and it's only one block away. I said to myself, "I'll quickly grab my groceries and if, on the way back home, the bust is still there, I was meant to have it." Sure enough, 15 minutes later there sat my bust. Because it was somebody's trash I thought it must be chipped, or badly cracked, why else would someone get rid of it? But no, it was in perfect condition, only slightly dusty. I stuck it under my arm and skedaddled up to the apartment. I cleaned it up with dampened paper towels and Q-tips to get into the crevasses and it looked good as new. At first I thought it would look good on the fireplace mantle but the base is too large. I ended up putting on the windowsill next to the bed and added one of my bandanas, a gray one, to add a little whimsy and to make it less formal to fit the style of the apartment.
I love it.
The big question is whether it's a bust of a woman...or a man? It could go either way, it's very neutral. I'm leaning slightly in the direction of woman because the hair looks like it's in a bow...but that's no real indicator. So with that I'm calling her "Venus". She's the new denizen of The Beautiful Wreck.

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