Saturday, February 17, 2018

Out, out, damn spot!

I have a suede coat that I adore. It's basically a jean jacket shape, but in suede. I got it a few years ago at Brooks Brothers and everytime I wear it I get compliments.
All good...EXCEPT.
The other month I noticed there was a small stain on the back, maybe the size of a Kennedy half dollar. No telling what it is or how it got there. Obviously I leaned up against something...or maybe I took it off and laid it on the offending stain causer? In any event, I thought I'd take it to a dry cleaners and see what they could do. There are several in my neighbor within a few blocks. The first one wanted to charge me EIGHTLY DOLLARS with no guarantee that they would get out the stain. I said, "no, thank you" and went to two more establishments. It wasn't much better at either of those. One wanted SIXTY-FIVE dollars and the other FIFTY. No way, not gonna happen. I was prepared to pay maybe twenty dollars but this was just too steep for my wallet.
So what to do? Plan B is to look for some they even still make that stuff? Or maybe some other kind of sued cleaner. What could a can cost, eight or nine dollars? Stay tuned for the saga of the spot...

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