Tuesday, February 6, 2018

A coffee coincidence

I live only a block and a half from a TJMaxx store. It's pretty convenient when you need a certain household item. I decided the other day that I needed another coffee mug. I stopped off at the store and found a large white one with the word "COFFEE" on it. Looked fun and the white would work well with all the other pottery in the kitchen. Best of all it was only $3.99. Perfect.

Well the VERY NEXT DAY my mom texted me an article from The Houston Chronicle about a new shopping craze sweeping the country (or at least Texas). It seems people are going nuts for a certain line of pottery from a designer named Rae Dunn from California. They're collecting this stuff by the boatload. They can't get enough. The article compared it to the nutty Beanie Babies craze from years back. Well, talk about coincidence, IT WAS THE VERY SAME POTTERY AS MY MUG! Isn't that eerie? I bought the mug one day, and the next I got the article!
You can read the whole piece here.
Here's a photo from the article:

So it got me to thinking: if this stuff is such a thing, then maybe I should buy one more piece so that I'd have a matched set. So I went back and found one that said "WISDOM",  a nice thought when you're waking up and having morning coffee.

Just one more mug would do the trick, I'm not going to go bonkers like one of the ladies in the story who has a roomful of the stuff. Just one and done...or should I say "Dunn"?

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