Sunday, January 3, 2016

Punching through the punch list, pt. 2

Here's where the entryway is currently. The mirror I got from my friend Jan, it's very heavy. I need to decide if I'm committing to it in this spot as I'll have to use a picture hanging nail, not my usual "MO". I'm a huge fan of Command Hooks by 3M, they're a genius product that don't mar the walls, but for super heavy things it's best to go the old fashioned route of hammer and nails.
The shelf I brought from the old apartment that used to be a built-in unit on the wall above my desk nook.
Entryway shelf...should it be gray?

I liked it enough to add the legs when it came down. My architect Steve doesn't care for it but it's hiding all the internet cables and router/modem units (those are the little lights in the middle cubby and underneath), so it stays. He suggested I paint it AND the mirror above the dark gray of the walls...I'm pondering that...what do you think?
In the corner is where the Verizon technician ran the little internet cable. If you you can't see it, that's the point, I wanted it as unobtrusive as possible.

See the cable? No? GOOD.
On the opposite wall are two eyesores that will be disappearing as soon as possible. There was no other place in the whole apartment to put the electrical switcher box but in the entry, it just made sense to put it there. So I need to find a picture or painting of some sort to hang over it. And the house intercom phone looks like it's from 1972 (and probably is). The building is going to install a newer one so out it goes ASAP.

The two eyesores that gotta go

The kitchen hasn't changed a lot since I posted the last pics of it. All the knobs and handles are yet to come, that's why there's blue painting tape subbing for them in these pics. But everything is functioning and all utensils and dishes are put away. I can cook finally in the space. As Manhattan studio kitchens go, it's pretty sizable.

Stove and exhaust hood
The other angle
No knobs yet!
Under cabinet lights still to be installed (hence the hanging wire)
I'm thinking of putting another small shelve in that corner to the left of the window to house more dishes/pots/pans. I have the perfect one out at the house but without a car right now I don't know how I'm going to get it back to the city.

Wide shot of kitchen

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