Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Close, but no cigar

Well, as is the custom for this project, there was another delay today. AARGH.
Today was supposed to be the day the contractor and his crew began demolition.
That didn't happen.

It seems there was some paperwork that I needed to sign and get to the management company, an "alteration agreement", stating obvious stipulations. That I would be responsible for damages to the building should they be incurred, that my contractor would have insurance, that the work wouldn't carry on for forever and a day, etc. Common sense stuff. I also had to get them a deposit check for a hefty sum to hold in escrow so that if the aforementioned damages did happen, they'd have advance payment at the ready. Whatever. It all made sense, it just would've been so much more convenient to know about it BEFORE the day we were supposed to start the job.
See, they would not allow the crew to step one foot into the apartment until they had the paperwork in hand. Great!
So I had to run to the bank to get a certified check made out to the tenant's association and then FedEx it to the management company's office for delivery first thing in the morning.
Steve, my architect, assures me that things will proceed according to plan tomorrow.
Gee, wonder why I don't believe him...

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